Job Analysis Questionnaire

Job Analysis Questionnaire and Evaluation Process

The “Joint Job Maintenance Committee” has replaced what was the “Reclassification” process.
This committee will be reviewing all request for reconsideration.
The Joint Job Maintenance Committee is comprised of two representatives from CUPE and two representatives from Management.
The committee will review any submitted questionnaires in an ongoing bases starting on March 10, 2009.
This questionnaire is for those who feel that their job coding is in question to them or the duties of the whose job have dramatically changed.
You can print the questionnaire when you click on the “PDF” file link below. The questionnaire is in both English and French versions.
Follow all the instructions of the questionnaire and have your manager complete their section.
Ask for a copy of the completed questionnaire from your manager and have the original submitted to the person designated in Human Resources to collect the form.
If you have trouble printing the form from this website may pick one up from the Human Resources Department.
Evaluation Process
The purpose of job evaluation is to establish the relative value of jobs within an organization by means of a systematic and detailed analysis and rating of the job content. Job evaluation does not measure nor reflect the performance, gender, or qualifications of the individual in the job. 
Systematic job analysis and evaluation is based on two premises:
Certain identifiable elements or factors are present in all jobs but to a varying degree.
These identifiable elements or factors can be measured or evaluated. 
This system recognizes the four primary elements of job value – Skill, Effort, Responsibility and Working Conditions.  For thorough and balanced analysis, this system contains elevensubfactors as follows:
Independent Judgment
Power Point Presentation How Jobs are Evaluated
Printable Forms
Microsoft Word – JAQ Final Version Fr _March 2006_
Formulaire vierge